

Third Eye


We all have the ability to enhance our intuitive powers. Gifted intuitive reader and healer Seda Goksel says, “We are born with an innate sixth sense, however, the stress of modern living makes it much harder for us to tap into our inner wisdom.” Today’s society has neglected the beauty of intuition. Even, the philosopher of science, Albert Einstein observed the same phenomenon: “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” The good news is that we can all boost our inner insights. Here, Seda, who has the ability to give highly perceptive readings, suggests six ways of tuning into your sixth sense:

Meditating for 15 minutes per day is a powerful way of clearing our monkey minds and teaching us to live in the present moment. This is when we can really start listening to our thoughts and feelings and connecting with our breath, this life force energy that holds tremendous power. Once we start connecting with our authentic self on a deeper level, we begin to build self-awareness and start to live in harmony with the Universe. For instance, during Zen meditation, biochemicals are created that shift our vibrational frequency to a higher level. This automatically heightens our intuition. Like anything else in life, to enjoy the effects of meditation, it requires practise and commitment.

Doing a regular yoga practice such as Ashtanga gives us numerous mind benefits and ultimately directs us towards the path of union of the Individual Self and Universal Self. The physical asanas also encourage us to release negative emotions trapped in our body. We can hold on to stress in our body for many years. If these blockages are not released on a physical level, then our energy centres remain clogged up, which hinders our inner wisdom. Doing asanas and observing the breath, is a incredibly liberating way of releasing such blockages. Once our body is free from stress and tension, then it’s easier for us to tap into our intuitive powers.

Eating a healthy, nutritious diet instantly detoxes your system. Eating lots of raw fruit and vegetables builds your awareness and levels of insights. However, sugar, processed food and too much dairy and/or meat all constrict our energy centres and can keep our third eye chakra firmly closed. In order to awaken your third eye, go for purple foods such as grapes, blueberries and blackberries as these are said to help activate the pineal gland – which is the key link between the physical and the spiritual world.

Our fears and negative thought patterns block our capacity to tap into our own inner guidance. Energy healing is an effective way of releasing negative belief patterns and opening up our pineal gland. Everything from Reiki to Theta Healing and Hypnotherapy are all potent methods of letting go of our fears and cleansing our energy centres. I offer one-to-one intuitive healing sessions – some might need to do an intense course of energy healing to see results. For others, it might simply be a case of doing a couple of sessions. Once our chi energy is flowing freely, our awareness increases and our intuitive powers are magnified.

Choose a friend of yours who is also keen to boost his or her psychic powers. While you are alone with no distractions think about your friend for a few minutes and write down any feelings or thoughts that pop into your head. Imagine what she or he is feeling or doing and what lies ahead on their journey. Share whatever came to mind with your friend at a later time and see how accurate your intuition is. Building your intuition takes time and lots of practise.

If you’re already doing the above, and your third eye still isn’t opening, why not try doing a workshop with an intuitive healer. Learning practical tools and insights about how to activate your third eye and keep it open will be invaluable. In my workshops, I offer every participant some tried and tested techniques as well as a programmed rose quartz crystal. The energy from this particular clear crystal activates the pineal gland and so whenever you place it in between and slightly above your eyebrows, your third eye begins to wake up. As a result, you begin to connect with a beautiful inner world.

To book a one-to-one intuitive healing session or to attend the Awakening the Third Eye Workshop on February 27th, from 11am-5pm (in Jumeirah 1) go to or email or call 050 600 6968