

Green Juice

Not all green juices taste like you’re drinking grass. That’s the first good news. Secondly, they bring instant benefits to your immune system. Besides boosting brain cells, green veggies are highly alkalizing. The more alkaline your body is, the greater its capacity to fend off illness. In fact, medical experts point out that cancer can only thrive in acidic environments, and that too much acidity is an underlying cause of many degenerative diseases. Unfortunately many foods and drinks are acidic – coffee, cheese, bread and meat are all culprits. That’s why drinking green juice has such a powerful effect.

Since, I don’t always have time to blend at home, I love having freshly pressed, organic juices delivered to my doorstep. Thankfully, here in the UAE, a company called Essentially does just that. They are the country’s first provider of 100 % raw, organic, vegan, fresh juice. They provide cleansing programmes and/or nourishing supplement packages depending upon your goals. Their juices are made with a bespoke nine-ton hydraulic press that carefully extracts every drop of goodness from only the best organic produce. As a result, juices such as Green Addiction, are high in chlorophyll, an important blood builder that halts the growth of unfriendly bacteria and neutralizes toxins in the body. Talk about super elevated healing powers. I’m already hooked!


*You’ll feel lighter and more energetic

*Your immune system will become stronger and so you won’t fall ill as often

*Raw, unprocessed green juice fights ageing so expect to feel and look younger

*Your hair and nails will grow stronger while your digestive organs will feel more rested

*You’ll radiate a healthy, happier glow