
Mindfulness Mondays


Finding Zen in the Air

Frequent Flyer,  JS Turco offers ten ways to ensure your flight is more blissful than stressful

I’m used to flying on ultra long haul flights as I travel frequently between the USA and the Middle East. These ULH flights often surpass 12 hours in the air – throw travel to and from the airport plus waiting time and you’ve got the potential for stressful travel. But it doesn’t have to be that way  – in fact you can optimize your time travelling and, dare I say, even enjoy the experience. And as it happens, I am about 5 hours into an 14+ hour commute as I write this.

1. Drink Water

Keeping properly hydrated on long flights is a key to your comfort and balance.  Flying at a high altitude seriously dehydrates your whole system. We usually feel most comfortable when the humidity in the air around us is about 40 to 70 per cent. However, in an aircraft cabin it falls to about 20 per cent. So, remember to pick up a litre of water after you pass security and have it handy during the flight.  Either avoid coffee, alcohol and fizzy drinks (which cause more dehydration) or top up with extra H2O.  

2. Choose Zen Music

Try listening to music that instantly calms your brain waves. Walk into the airport listening to something like La Traviata: Act 1 Libiamo Ne’lieti or Yo-Yo Ma’s Simple Gifts.  It’s pretty remarkable how these arrangements can make the movement of people around you take on a theatrical quality. I don’t know about you, but I don’t ever recall being anxious while listening to opera. Leave your 140 bpm music for your next high intensity workout and go for something to soothe your soul and feel the difference.  

3. Dress Comfortable Chic 

Adopt a Comfortable Chic dress code. It is possible to wear clothing which is comfortable and stylish. Find a travel wardrobe that allows you to move freely. If you are leaving from and/or going to a colder climate, be sure to dress in light layers. That way you can change your body temperature to suit each environment.  

4. Organic Snacks

Raw, organic snacks are best. I love raw organic almonds and dark cacao chocolate bars. Avoid salty snacks, which will just make you more likely to feel dehydrated.  Clean foods, like fresh fruit will nourish your body along with pure water.  Personally, I love Amrita bars, especially Pineapple Chia.  They’re nut free, soy free, dairy free, gluten free, and are exceptionally delicious.  

5. Prepare for Hiccups

No matter how well we prepare for our journey, sometimes things don’t run according to schedule.  It’s simply a reflection of the unpredictability of life and we can react to unpredictable events with mindfulness. So, next time you find yourself in the longest queue ever, simply try to act as an observer to the situation and slow down and deepen your breathe, which immediately has a calming effect.   If someone is discourteous and jumps the line, remember it’s within your control to just let it be.  After all, if it’s that important for them to be one metre in front of you, that’s ok.You decide how you want to handle your journey.  

6. Mid-Air Meditation

Once you settle into your seat, find moment to control the airflow around you.  This will help you to center yourself for the journey, meditate, and purposefully breathe. Properly aligning yourself in your seat, tucking your chin so your spine is aligned through your neck will be a relaxing process.  Imagine a string from your base of your spine extending up through the top of your head to the ceiling of the airplane. Do your best in the airplane seat and remember, your best is just fine. You may wish to breathe with your eyes closed, relax your jaw and facial muscles, and be sure you remember to wear glasses if you usually wear contact lenses.  

7. Don’t Forget to Hydrate

Not only do you feel more thirsty during a flight, your skin also becomes dehydrated. Ensure to take a travel size of your favourite hand cream or lip balm on board. Remember to keep the sizes at 100ml or less to avoid problems with security. Choosing balms with essential oils like lavender and mint, will help calm your senses and keep headaches at bay.  

8. Spread Kindness

Simple acts of kindness really go a long way at the airport. Speaking to flight attendants with respect and or offering to help parents with screaming kids is greatly appreciated by the recipients. And if you treat the ticket agents consistently well, you will not only help them have a good day, you may be surprised with an upgrade. If you see someone struggling with a bag onboard, if you are close by and can help, do.  

9. Mindful Movement

As you settle into your flight, no matter the duration, it’s essential that you get up and move around as much as you’re able. Try to stretch your legs and arms whenever possible; even in your seat. Do slow neck and shoulder rolls to release any tension in your upper back. While you are waiting to use the bathroom, you can also use that time to rotate your ankles and wrists. This type of exercise helps prevent deep vein thrombosis too.  

10. Touch Down – Sit Down!

Unless you are late for a connection, I suggest staying seated after landing for as long as possible.  I often let the entire airplane exit, knowing I will ultimately make the same time exiting the airport if I choose to do so calmly.  Once the aisles are clear, you will find a lovely exit experience awaits.  Nobody will be clamoring to fetch their bag and hunch down around you. As we being to descend, here’s hoping your next journey is super Zen.

JS Turco is an organizational psychologist and management consultant based in Dubai, New York and Paris. For individual or corporate consulting or coaching enquiries, email

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