


Intuition Consultant and psychic medium, Fiona Day talks about the beauty and pain that comes with meeting your soulmate

You’re writing a book about soulmates. How do we know when we have met our soulmate?
Your intuition will tell you. There will be an instant deep recognition. There will be intense chemistry and the energy between you both will be explosive. You will be energetically tuned in to one another and you’ll feel alive in each other’s presence. Everyone has a few soulmates, however, it is a question of awareness and recognition. When you meet your twin flame, this relationship will be the most intense you’ve ever experienced. There will be a deep love, a feeling of knowing the other although you have only just met. Hugging feels like coming home for nourishment. You can telepathically communicate. Looking at them is almost like looking at your self in the mirror.

What does the universal law say about soulmates?
Soulmates are often meeting right now for evolution. Others are meeting to share their compassion and do humanitarian work. We are not here to stagnate but to grow. The only one who can bring forth deep-rooted issues is your other half – your soulmate. Sometimes with this amazing intense love comes pain and separation occurs. The universal law will not allow two soulmates to stay together if one is growing and the other isn’t. In most cases one runs, runs from you; ultimately they are not running from you but from themselves, too afraid to face their negative patterns. The pain of separation can feel like you are drowning, a tsunami of intense pain hits.

Why is the break up with a soul mate so intense and painful?
The pain is much more intense than your average split in a relationship. This pain is intense so that you go deep inside yourself and start healing all the negative patterns within. This change doesn’t happen overnight, it is a process and can take time, sometimes years. The good news is time is a healer and it’s important to make major changes within. Today, the universe is saying to everyone, ‘Hello, wake up’ and listen as we all need to change, grow, heal and find more peace within. How can we help heal others if we are not healing ourselves? We cannot. A twin soul comes into our life to wake us up, the connection is so intense that separation can be excruciating. Both miss one another immensely but this is exactly what prompts you to eradicate all the negative emotions you may hold. So in many ways, it is a blessing.

Why is loving and respecting yourself so important for a truly happy relationship?
We all need to find that balance within rather than rely on another for happiness. The happiness we are all searching for is ultimately within. We look to others for our internal happiness when we should look inside our soul. Once we start to become happy with who we are and start loving ourselves then a harmonious relationship will come our way. Like attracts like! So if one has insecurity issues they will attract another who is also insecure – this is called the mirror. We look at another person and see a reflection of ourselves and start to change. Life truly starts to take on a new meaning when we find inner happiness. Miracles begin happening and people start to be able to literally tune into the universe and connect and communicate with it.

When are we likely to attract a harmonious soulmate into our lives?
Once you stop searching for your soulmate and start really working on yourself and any issues you have, then when you reach a space of self-love and acceptance, that’s usually when a harmonious soulmate appears in your life. If you strive to be the person you would love to meet and start nourishing your soul, you will naturally attract someone like-minded. When the soul is ready, the right soulmate will appear. It’s the beauty of the law of the universe.

Fiona is holding a Soul Evolution Workshop on 20th June. Elevate your energy vibration to manifest your life’s purpose and learn to develop your intuition powers and connect with angels. For more information or to book go to