

Basma YOGA new FINAL

The Yogini: Basma Saimua

The Pose: Tree Pose or Vrksasana

The Location: Ubud, Bali

The Benefits: This balancing posture reminds you to find a sense of balance in your life, on and off the yoga mat. It creates a sense of connection with Mother Earth too.

Where’s home for you?
At the moment home is Dubai although I’ve never lived in one country for more than 12 years. I’m of Syrian origin but was born in London and raised in Nigeria and then Lebanon.

When did your yoga journey begin?
Six years ago when I tried my first yoga class at a gym in Dubai. As a restless person I was looking for something to calm my mind and allow me to sleep better. I enjoyed my first lesson and felt a strange connection that I didn’t understand at the time. I also felt really relaxed so I continued practising and a few years later I became a certified teacher of Vinyasa Flow Yoga.

How has yoga changed your life?
Other then the physical benefits of flexibility and strength I feel calmer, I’m more aware of my emotions and my sleep has improved. I still have a lot to work on but that’s the beauty of the practice. I also love sitting down to mediate when I’m upset.

Favourite yoga pose?
Vrksasana (tree pose) because it reminds me to be grounded in my life. Also that I’m not separate from earth but part of it and to do my best to be in balance with nature – having healthy relationships, eating nutritious food and being consistent in my own practice.

Tell us your passions besides yoga…
Reading, cycling and travelling. So it’s exploring new places whether it’s through a good book, or around Dubai on my bicycle, or traveling to new countries. I’m also a huge movie buff.

What’s your go-to snack?
A green smoothie as it helps to cleanse and re-energize me – plus they are easy to make!

What brings out your non-Zen side?
Driving in Dubai can make me lose my Zen or going to a restaurant where the only vegetarian option is a mixed salad. And, when my friends nag me to stay out late (meaning after 9pm!)

What’s your mantra in life?
To accept my imperfections as well as others’ and to keep growing.

What are your future dreams?
To keep progressing as a yoga teacher. I’d also love to have a dog and a home with an organic vegetable garden in a lush, green country. I’d also love to own a yoga studio/holistic nutrition centre one day.

To book a class with Basma e-mail or call 0509407540.

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