

Liz Terry

The yogini: Liz Terry

The location: Chautauqua Park, Colorado

The pose: Urdhva Dhanurasana (backbend with one leg in the air)

The benefits: Backbends strengthen and lengthen your entire spine and help to open your hips. This particular posture helps to ease the build-up of tension that can accumulate in your back region. It also toughens up your core, your thighs and improves your sense of balance. Emotionally, this pose encourages a sense of free-spiritedness and confidence.

About the yogini:
Liz is a Vinyasa Flow/Yin Yoga yoga teacher from Colorado. “My journey of yoga began in 2005 due to what I like to call divine intervention,” she says. “Before I did yoga I was stressed out and anxious. I was always trying my hardest to control everything in my life until I learnt the biggest lesson of all – the art of letting go.”

For her the path of yoga is about continual self-transformation. “Every moment I step on my mat I’m in the space of self-reflection,” she says. One of Liz’s favourite poses is the one she’s doing in the above photo. “I feel so liberated, it’s an expression of freedom and strength. My second best posture is the handstand because it keeps me humble.”

Besides doing asanas, this American yogi loves being in the fresh air of the mountains. “I love the outdoors and connecting with nature. I do lots of hiking as well as cycling, travelling and swimming.” When it comes to mantras, Liz says ‘follow your heart’. Her future dreams include empowering others by spreading her teaching around the world. “I want people to have the courage to drop their masks and shine,” she says.

To book a class with Liz go to